Study outline for Astronomy 201 -- Summer 1992

I. Cosmology
	A. Four fundamental observations of the Universe
	B. Big Bang
		1. Nucleosynthesis
		2. Microwave Background Radiation
			a. Why it supports Big Bang theory
			b. What are the lumps in the MBR?
			c. Blackbody spectrum
			d. Why the MBR is "polarized"
		3. Timescale of events
	C. Hubble's Law
		1. v = Hd
		2. Hubble's constant and the age of the Universe
		3.  Different trends of galaxy motion and what they mean
		4.  Standard candles

II. Galaxies
	A. Globular clusters
		1. Importance to cosmology and galactic formation
		2. Where they are in the galaxy
	B. Elliptical and Spiral galaxies
		1. Basic differences
		2. Spiral structure
			a. Bulge, disk and halo model of galaxy
			b. Spiral arms
	C. Chemical evolution of the galaxy
		1. The zero metal star problem
		2. How the galaxy is enriched
		3. Supernovae and the formation of the heaviest elements
	D. In-class lab on galaxy counting

III. Stars
	A. Phases of the Inter-Stellar Medium (ISM)
		1. Coronal gas
		2. Neutral gas
		3. Molecular clouds
			a. Size relative to our solar system
			b. Importance of dust
	B. Star formation
		1. Initial collapse -- evidence for a supernova trigger
		2. Fusion
			a. Proton-proton chain
			b. Mass conversion into energy
		3. Angular momentum
	C. Hydrostatic Equilibrium (self-regulation of stars)
	D. Stellar evolution
		1. Main sequence
		2. Onset of Helium burning
		3. High mass vs low mass stars
			a. Planetary nebulae
			b. Supernovae

IV. The Solar System
	A. Basic observations that must be explained
	B. Planetary formation
		1. Condensation
			a. Inner vs outer solar system
			b. Where did the water come from on Earth?
			c. Chondrules and meteorites
		2. Accretion of planetesimals
		3. Differentiation
	C. Asteroids and Comets
		1. Primitive objects
		2. Dirty snowball model for comets
		3. Kirkwood gaps in the asteroid belt and ring systems
		4. Earth-crossing asteroids
	D. Origin of the Earth's Moon
		1. Sister and daughter theories
		2. Giant impact theory
	E. Tides
		1. Tidal locking and heating
		2. Roche limit

V. Inhabitability of planets
	A. Constraints in order for life to evolve
	B. Faint Sun paradox
	C. Planetary atmospheres
		1. Loss of light elements
		2. Outgassing
		3. Contributions by life
		4. The Carbon cycle on Earth

VI. Origins of life on Earth
	A. Definition of life
		1. The role of enzymes
		2. Amino acids and DNA structure
		3. Properties of DNA
	B. The theory of evolution
		1. Darwin's observations
		2. Evidence for evolution
		3. Requirements for the occurence of evolution
	C. Formation of the first life on Earth
		1. Panspermia theory
		2. Conditions on the early Earth (Miller-Urey experiment)
		3. Steps to building life
		4. Three theories on origin of first life
			a. Proteinoid microspheres
			b. Clay crystals
			c. RNA world
	D. Eukaryotes
		1. Evidence for their existence
		2. Advantages of multi-cellular organisms
	E. Cambrian Explosion
	F. KT event
		1. Mass extinctions
		2. Importance of iridium
	G. Human evolution
		1. Characteristics of primates
		2. Distinctive characteristics of humans

VII. Planets in other star systems
	A. Pulsars
		1. Why is it tough for a planet to exist around a pulsar?
		2. What went wrong with the "pulsar planet" detection?
	B. Planetary detection techniques
		1. Direct techniques
			a. Visual imaging
				i.  Magnitude differences and dynamic range
				ii. Angstroms vs microns vs centimeters
			b. Infrared imaging
		2. Indirect techniques
			a. Spectroscopic binaries
			b. Astrometric binaries
			c. Problems with the methods
				i.  Inclination
				ii. Sorting out the velocities in the system
			d. Eclipsing binaries
			e. Post-destruction systems
			f. Looking for Oxygen lines.

VIII. Extra-terrestrial Communication
	A. Signs of ISM travel
	B. Absorption across the spectrum (why is microwave best?)
	C. Problems with communication
		1. Signal vs noise
		2. What frequency should we observe?
		3. Bandpass and bandwidth
		4. Beamwidth
	D. Message to M13
	E. Unintentional signals (radio, TV, radar, etc.)