I. Manuel de Mier y Teran and Law of April 6, 1830

A. provisions

1. colonize Mexicans

2. colonize Swiss and Germans

3. encourage Texas-Mexico trade

4. troops in Texas

5. cancel empresario contracts

6. prohibit further introduction of slaves

B. reactions

1. Mexico: justify as necessity

2. Anglo-Texans: outrage

a) economic impact

b) social impact

c) Austin’s damage-control

3. violence, 1831-1832

a) Travis jailed, 1831

b) Anahuac, 1832

c) Nacogdoches, 1832

II. the federalists rebel (again), 1832

A. Antonio López de Santa Anna

B. José Antonio Mexía

C. Austin and Mexía (July 1832)

III. rising militance

A. convention of 1832

B. convention of 1833

C. Austin sent to Mexico City

D. War and Peace “parties”

E. Austin arrested

IV. Santa Anna in power

A. supports reform

1. repeal of Article 11 of Law of April 6 (empresario system restored)

2. new municipalities & representatives in state legislature

3. trial by jury

4. English an official language

B. plays cat-and-mouse with Valentín Gómez Farías

V. the summer of 1835: four critical events

A. SFA released from prison; heads for home

B. Santa Anna switches sides

1. congress dissolved

2. the Siete Leyes

a) states abolished

b) militias drastically reduced

c) power centralized

C. Travis & co. attack Anahuac garrison

D. Coahuila y Texas government resists centralism

1. land sales – the “Monclova Speculations”

2. Santa Anna orders arrests of governor, legislators, speculators

3. the rape of Zacatecas

4. plans to march on Texas