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El-Shagi, M., & Tochkov, K. (2022). Shadow of the Colossus: Euro area spillovers and monetary policy in Central and Eastern Europe. Journal of International Money and Finance, 120, 102501.

1. Glocker, C., & Url, T. (2022). Financial sector rescue programs: Domestic and cross border effects. Journal of International Money and Finance, 127, 102694. doi:10.1016/j.jimonfin.2022.102694

2. Stoupos, N., & Kiohos, A. (2022). Bond markets integration in the EU: New empirical evidence from the Eastern non-euro member-states. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 63, 101827. doi:10.1016/j.najef.2022.101827

3. Necula, C., Murarasu, B., Radu, A.-N., Anghelescu, C., & Zaharia, A. (2022). External shocks pass-through into selected Central and Eastern European countries. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 28(6), 1768-1790. doi:10.3846/tede.2022.17684

4. Jakšić, S. (2022). Modelling CESEE countries export dynamics: Global vector autoregressive approach. Zagreb International Review of Economics and Business, 25(2), 39-63. doi:10.2478/zireb-2022-0014

5. Pantovic, D., Fedajev, A., & Milošević, I. (2023). Monetary and fiscal policies in the EU: Is there a difference between EMU and non-EMU members? Acta Oeconomica, 73(1), 85-100. doi:10.1556/032.2023.00006

6. Rehman, S., Khan, S., Subhani, W., Mehboob, I., Yaseen, M., & Qayoom, A. (2023). Impact of distributed ledger technology (DLT) and fintech investment on central bank policy and monetary policy effectiveness. Bulletin of Business and Economics, 12(3), 202-210. doi:10.61506/01.00022

7. Fleissig, A., Jones, B., & Darvas, Z. (2023). Euro area monetary asset demand and Divisia aggregates. The European Journal of Finance, XX(X), XX-XX. doi:10.1080/1351847X.2022.2102432

El-Shagi, M., & Tochkov, K. (2022). Divisia monetary aggregates for Russia: Money demand, GDP nowcasting, and the price puzzle. Economic Systems, 46(4), 101054.

1. Zhan, M., Wang, L., Zhan, S., & Lu, Y. (2023). Does digital finance change the stability of money demand function? Evidence from China. Journal of Asian Economics, XX(X), 101649. doi:10.1016/j.asieco.2023.101649

El-Shagi, M., Sawyer, W., & Tochkov, K. (2022). The income elasticity of import demand: A meta-survey. Pacific Economic Review, 27(1), 18-41.

1. Peña Cobeñas, D. (2022). Demanda de exportaciones e importaciones en el Perú: Estimación de elasticidades precio e ingreso, enero 2012-febrero 2022 [Export and import demand in Peru: Estimated price and income elasticities, January 2012-February 2022]. Revista Latinoamericana De Desarrollo Económico [Latin American Journal of Economic Development], 38, 47-93. [in Spanish] doi:10.35319/lajed.20223845

2. Fares, F., Zack, G., & Libman, E. (2023). Crecimiento, desinflación y distribución: ¿Otra trinidad imposible? [Growth, disinflation, and distribution: Another impossible trinity?]. Investigación Económica [Economic Research], 82(326), 127-155. [in Spanish] doi:10.22201/fe.01851667p.2023.326.84940

Tochkov, K. (2021). Regional real exchange rates and growth: Evidence from resource-based regional economies. Review of International Economics, 29(3), 626-640.

1. Tan, W., & Lv, Y. (2022). Regional economic differences and coordinated development based on panel data model. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2022, 3901720. doi:10.1155/2022/3901720

2. Yiğiteli, N., & Öztürk, F. (2022). Toplam faktör verimliliğinin makroekonomik belirleyenleri: OECD ülkeleri örneğinde bir analiz [Macroeconomic determinants of total factor productivity: An analysis on the example of OECD countries]. İstanbul İktisat Dergisi [Istanbul Journal of Economics], 72(1), 293-328. [in Turkish] doi:10.26650/ISTJECON2022-1086903

Tochkov, K. (2021). Regional inequality and convergence in large emerging economies: A distribution dynamics approach. Macroeconomic Dynamics, 25(1), 154-177.

1. Taymaz, E. (2022). Regional convergence or polarization: The case of the Russian Federation. Regional Research of Russia, 12(4), 469-482. doi:10.1134/S2079970522700198

2. Feng, P., Yasar, M., & Rejesus, R. (2023). Innovation and regional economic convergence: Evidence from China. The Annals of Regional Science, XX(X), XX-XX. doi:10.1007/s00168-023-01210-9

3. Oshchepkov, A., Lehmann, H., & Silvagni, M. (2023). Regional convergence in Russia: Estimating an augmented Solow model. Economic Systems, 47(4), 101128. doi:10.1016/j.ecosys.2023.101128

4. Doré, N., & Teixeira, A. (2023). Do human capital and institutional quality contribute to Brazil's long term real convergence/divergence process? A Markov regime-switching autoregressive approach. Journal of Institutional Economics, XX(X), XX-XX. doi:10.1017/S1744137423000358

Izotov, D., & Tochkov, K. (2021). The spatial dimension of Chinese trade with Russia: Evidence from regional data. In D. Solovev, V. Savaley, A. Bekker, & V. Petukhov (Eds.), Proceeding of the international science and technology conference "FarEastСon 2020". Smart innovation, systems and technologies, vol. 227 (pp. 397-407). Singapore: Springer.

1. Gold, K., & Rasiah, R. (2022). China’s bilateral trade in Africa: Is institutional structure a determinant? Chinese Management Studies, 16(3), 673-687. doi:10.1108/CMS-10-2020-0430

Izotov, D., & Tochkov, K. (2020). Interaction of the Russian Far East and Asia-Pacific countries: Assessment of institutional and tariff barriers to trade. Regional Research of Russia, 10(2), 182-193.

1. Mohebi, M., Soretz, S., Abarghouei, V., Nodehi, M., & Taghvaee, V. (2023). Framework for the standards to secure and facilitate global trade (SAFE): Trade facilitation versus trade security. In Reference Module in Social Sciences. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-44-313776-1.00097-0

Izotov, D., & Tochkov, K. (2020). Trade relations between the Russian Far East and Northeast Asia: Assessment of institutional factors. In D. Solovev, V. Savaley, A. Bekker, & V. Petukhov (Eds.), Proceeding of the international science and technology conference "FarEastСon 2019". Smart innovation, systems and technologies, vol. 172 (pp. 177-188). Singapore: Springer.

1. Yilmaz, A. (2022). Intra-BRICS trade: A panel data analysis with structural breaks. Istanbul Journal of Economics, 72(2), 653-687. doi:10.26650/ISTJECON2022-1096747

Ndao, S., Nenovsky, N., & Tochkov, K. (2019). Does monetary integration lead to income convergence in Africa? A study of the CFA monetary area. Portuguese Economic Journal, 18(2), 67-85.

1. Ikechukwu, O., Olufemi, S., Matthew, O., & Oladapo, O. (2022). Capital inflows, macroeconomic conditions and growth convergence in the West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ). The Journal of Developing Areas, 56(4), 93-104. doi:10.1353/jda.2022.0066

Izotov, D., & Tochkov, K. (2019). Оценка потенциала расширения торговых взаимодействий регионов Дальнего Востока со странами АТР [Trade interactions between the Russian Far East regions and Asia-Pacific countries: Assessment of potential]. Регионалистика [Regionalistica], 6(5), 6-30. [in Russian]

1. Волынчук, А., & Волынчук, Я. [Volynchuk, A., & Volynchuk, Ya.] (2021). Проблемы управления развитием приграничной периферии в контексте международной экономической интеграции [Problems of border development management in the context of international economic integration]. Азимут научных исследований: экономика и управление [Azimuth of scientific research: economics and administration], 35(2), 127-131. [in Russian] doi:10.26140/anie-2021-1002-0017

Wamboye, E., & Tochkov, K. (2019). Information and communication technologies' impact on growth and employment in Africa. In E. Wamboye & P. Nyaronga (Eds.), The service sector and economic development in Africa (pp. 196-226). New York: Routledge.

1. Abendin, S., & Duan, P. (2021). International trade and economic growth in Africa: The role of the digital economy. Cogent Economics & Finance, 9(1), 1911767. doi:10.1080/23322039.2021.1911767

2. Mukora, F., Matekenya, T., Mahlangu, G., Chirisa, I., & Muparutsa, C. (2022). From digital divides to digital dividends: Embracing basic services in Zimbabwe's digitalisation agenda. In M. Zhou, G. Mahlangu, & C. Matsika (Eds.), Digital transformation for promoting inclusiveness in marginalized communities (pp. 123-139). IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-6684-3901-2.ch006

Izotov, D., & Tochkov, K. (2018). Сравнительная оценка внутрирегиональных и внешних торговых взаимодействий Дальнего Востока России [Comparative assessment of the internal and external trading interactions of the Far East of Russia]. Регионалистика [Regionalistica], 5(6), 37-52. [in Russian]

1. Исаев А., Ким А., & Мерзляков И. [Isaev, A., Kim, A., & Merzlyakov, I.] (2022). Количественная оценка интеграционных тенденций в российских регионах [Quantitative assessment of integration trends in Russian regions]. Регионалистика [Regionalistica], 9(6), 5-22. [in Russian] doi:10.14530/reg.2022.6.5

Paltasingh, K., Goyari, P., & Tochkov, K. (2018). Indian agriculture after the Green Revolution: An overview. In B. Goswami, M. Bezbaruah, & R. Mandal (Eds.), Indian agriculture after the Green Revolution: Changes and challenges (pp. 8-28). New York: Routledge.

1. Das, N., & Dutta, P. (2022). Analysing the role of social infrastructure on human development in Assam. Assam Economic Review, 15, 54-69.

2. Khan, F., & Bezbaruah, M. (2022). Evolution of Indian agriculture through highs and lows in post-independence period: Reflections in flood prone agro-eco system of Assam. Assam Economic Review, 15, 70-75.

Tochkov, K. (2018). Trade potential and trade integration of the Russian Far East: A regional perspective. Пространственная экономика [Spatial Economics], 14(4), 21-38.

1. Изотов, Д. [Izotov, D.] (2020). Оценка сравнительного потенциала увеличения торговли регионов Дальнего Востока со странами АТР [Assessing the comparative potential for increasing trade of the Far East regions with the APR countries]. Известия Дальневосточного федерального университета. Экономика и управление [The Bulletin of the Far eastern Federal University. Economics and Management], 3, 5-20. [in Russian] doi:10.24866/2311-2271/2020-3/5-20

2. Doanh, N., Truong, L., & Heo, Y. (2022). Impact of institutional and cultural distances on ASEAN's trade efficiency. Journal of Economic Studies, 49(1), 77-94. doi:10.1108/JES-07-2020-0343

3. Abbas, S., Shtun, V., Sapogova, V., & Gleb, V. (2023). Russian global export flow and potential: Evidence from augmented gravity model. International Journal of Emerging Markets, XX(X), XX-XX. doi:10.1108/IJOEM-02-2022-0285

4. Navarro-Soto, F., Morote, E., Macha-Huamán, R., & Saavedra-Soplín, E. (2023). Determinants of Peruvian export efficiency: Poisson PML estimation approach. Economies, 11(6), 169. doi:10.3390/economies11060169

Sawyer, W., Tochkov, K., & Yu, W. (2017). Regional and sectoral patterns and determinants of comparative advantage in China. Frontiers of Economics in China, 12(1), 7-36.

1. Kostoska, O., & Hristoski, I. (2018). Trade dynamics, revealed comparative advantage, and international competitiveness: Evidence from Macedonia. Economic Annals, 63(218), 23-58. doi:10.2298/EKA1818023K

2. Gordeev, R. (2020). Assessing competitiveness of forest industry: Theoretical and empirical aspects. Journal of Siberian Federal University: Humanities & Social Sciences, 13(4), 443-452. doi:10.17516/1997-1370-0585

3. Gordeev, R. (2020). Comparative advantages of Russian forest products on the global market. Forest Policy and Economics, 119, 102286. doi:10.1016/j.forpol.2020.102286

4. Zhang, Y. (2020). Free trade and the environment–evidence from Chinese cities. Environment and Development Economics, 25(6), 561-582. doi:10.1017/S1355770X2000042X

5. Danna-Buitrago, J., & Stellian, R. (2022). A new class of revealed comparative advantage indexes. Open Economies Review, 33(3), 477–503. doi:10.1007/s11079-021-09636-4

Paltasingh, K., Goyari, P., & Tochkov, K. (2017). Rice ecosystems and adoption of modern rice varieties in Odisha, East India: Intensity, determinants and policy implications. The Journal of Developing Areas, 51(3), 197-213.

1. Paltasingh, K. (2018). Land tenure security and adoption of modern rice technology in Odisha, Eastern India: Revisiting Besley's hypothesis. Land Use Policy, 78, 236-244. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.06.031

2. Bannor, R., Kumar, G., Oppong-Kyeremeh, H., & Wongnaa, C. (2020). Adoption and impact of modern rice varieties on poverty in Eastern India. Rice Science, 27(1), 56-66. doi:10.1016/j.rsci.2019.12.006

3. ul Haq, S., Boz, I., & Shahbaz, P. (2021). Sustainability assessment of different land tenure farming systems in tea farming: The effect of decisional and structural variables. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 17(4), 814-834. doi:10.1002/ieam.4379

4. Hoang, H., & Nguyen, D. (2023). Factors influencing the adoption of improved rice varieties: A case of smallholder farmers in Quang Dien district of Vietnam. International Journal of Social Economics, 50(2), 227-241. doi:10.1108/IJSE-05-2022-0309

5. Checco, J., Azizan, F., Mitchell, J., & Aziz, A. (2023). Adoption of improved rice varieties in the Global South: A review. Rice Science, 30(3), 186-206. doi:10.1016/j.rsci.2023.03.004

Wamboye, E., & Tochkov, K. (2016). External debt relief initiatives and economic growth in least developed countries. The Journal of Developing Areas, 50(2), 213-229.

1. Sayed, M. (2021). The causality relationships between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s (KSA) military expenditure and economic growth in the period from 1987 to 2019. Research in World Economy, 12(2), 289-301. doi:10.5430/rwe.v12n2p289

2. Pasara, M. (2021). A WITS-SMART simulation analysis of trade creation, diversion and welfare effects of the African tripartite region. International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, 14(1), 31-47. doi:10.1504/IJTGM.2021.113344

Nath, H., Liu, L., & Tochkov, K. (2015). Comparative advantages in U.S. bilateral services trade with China and India. Journal of Asian Economics, 38, 79-92.

1. 郭晓然, & 张锡宝 [Guo, X., & Zhang, X.] (2015). 中印计算机和信息服务贸易的竞争力比较 [Comparison of the competitiveness between China and India in computer and information services trade]. 商业经济 [Business Economy], 11, 92-94. [in Chinese]

2. 郭健全, & 潘琪琪 [Guo, J., & Pan, Q.] (2016). 基于PLS模型的中日服务贸易竞争力比较研究 [Study on comparison of service trade competitiveness between China and Japan based on PLS model]. 日本问题研究 [Japanese Research], 4, 11-18. [in Chinese]

3. 赵迪, & 张宗庆 [Zhao, D., & Zhang, Z.] (2016). 服务出口贸易发展研究:成本抑或创新驱动?——跨国经验实证及对中国的启示 [Study on the development of services export trade: Cost reduction or innovation drive? The international experience and the lessons for China]. 经济问题探索 [Inquiry into Economic Issues], 4, 164-169. [in Chinese]

4. 蔡洪合, 康飞, 赵肖, 谢鲁民, & 蔡鑫 [Cai, H., Kang, F., Zhao, X., Xie, L., & Cai, L.] (2016). 加入 WTO 以来中国水产品国际竞争力的演变与对策 [The evolution and countermeasures of the competitiveness of China's seafood industry since the WTO entry]. 中国商论 [China Journal of Commerce], 35, 63-65. [in Chinese]

5. Mandal, R., & Nath, H. (2017). Services trade in emerging market economies. In Rajagopal & R. Behl (Eds.), Business Analytics and Cyber Security Management in Organizations (pp. 64-83). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-0902-8.ch006

6. Khurana, R., & Nauriyal, D. (2017). Dynamics of services exports in India. Millennial Asia, 18(2), 178-193. doi:10.1177/0976399617715823

7. Cunha, N., & Forte, R. (2017). The comparative advantages in the services sector of developing economies. Global Economy Journal, 17(4), 1-24. doi:10.1515/gej-2017-0063

8. Li, X. (2017). China's domestic business environment and its impact on trade in services: An empirical analysis. Ph.D. dissertation. Department of Agribusiness and Markets, Lincoln University, New Zealand.

9. Van Hoang, V., Tran, K., Van Tu, B., Nguyen, V., & Nguyen, A. (2017). Agricultural competitiveness of Vietnam by the RCA and the NRCA indices, and Consistency of Competitiveness indices. AGRIS On-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, 9(4), 53-67.

10. 张宝友, 杨玉香, & 孟丽君 [Zhang, B., Yang, Y., & Meng, L.] (2017). 我国服务业发展水平评价及对其出口竞争力影响研究 [The research of China’s service industry level of development and impacts on the service export competitiveness]. 国际商务研究 [International Business Research], 3, 75-86. [in Chinese] doi:10.13680/j.cnki.ibr.2017.03.007

11. Hasibuan , A., & Sayekti, A. (2018). Export tax policy in Indonesia: The impacts on competitiveness and price integration of cocoa products. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 26(1), 535-552.

12. Nath, H., & Goswami, B. (2018). India's comparative advantages in services trade. Eurasian Economic Review, 8(2), 323-342. doi:10.1007/s40822-018-0098-0

13. 王江 & 陶磊 [Wang, J., & Tao, L.] (2018). 中国生产性服务贸易结构及国际竞争力的比较 [Comparison of structure of China’s productive service trade and international competitiveness]. 统计与决策 [Statistics and Decision], 7, 135-139. [in Chinese] doi:10.13546/j.cnki.tjyjc.2018.07.030

14. 蔡鑫, 陈永福, & 陈洁 [Cai, X., Chen, Y., & Chen, J.] (2018). 我国水产品国际竞争力影响因素的实证分析 [Influencing factor analysis of the international competitiveness of China’s aquatic produce]. 大连理工大学学报(社会科学版) [Journal of Dalian University of Technology (Social Sciences)], 39(2), 47-54. [in Chinese] doi:10.19525/j.issn1008-407x.2018.02.008

15. 杨莉 [Yang, L.] (2018). 国内增加值视角的中国服务贸易比较优势——基于中国与G20国家双边贸易数据分析 [Research on China’s service trade comparative advantage: Based on bilateral TiVA data between China and G20 countries]. 浙江树人大学学报(人文社会科学) [Journal of Zhejiang Shuren University (Humanities and Social Sciences)], 18(1), 40-46. [in Chinese] doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-2714.2018.01.008

16. Barman, H., Dutta, M., & Nath, H. (2018). The telecommunications divide among Indian states. Telecommunications Policy, 42(7), 530-551. doi:10.1016/j.telpol.2018.05.003

17. Kathuria, L. (2018). Comparative advantages in clothing exports: India faces threat from competing nations. Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal, 28(5), 518-540. doi:10.1108/CR-01-2017-0010

18. Hasibuan, A., & Sayekti, A. (2018). Export tax policy in Indonesia: The impacts on competitiveness and price integration of cocoa products. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 26(1), 535-552.

19. 林峰, 向倩兰, & 邓可斌 [Lin, F., Xiang, Q., & Deng, K.] (2018). Burgess推论成立吗——服务贸易差额扩大恶化货物贸易条件的跨国实证 [Does Burgess’s inference really hold: A cross-country analysis]. 国际贸易问题 [Journal of International Trade], 4, 90-102. [in Chinese] doi:10.13510/j.cnki.jit.2018.04.008

20. 曹阳, & 郑崇明 [Cao, Y., & Zheng, C.] (2018). 基于知识分工的高校教师绩效工资转型研究 [A study on the transition model of college faculty’s performance-related pay based on division of knowledge]. 宁波大学学报(教育科学版) [Journal of Ningbo University (Educational Science Edition)], 40(6), 55-60. [in Chinese]

21. Qiu, L., & Wei, X. (2019). China-US trade: Implications on conflicts. China Economic Journal, 12(2), 175-194. doi:10.1080/17538963.2019.1598014

22. Chauhan, N. (2019). An analytical study on India's trade relations with BRICS nations. Ph.D. dissertation. Department of Applied Business Economics, Faculty of Commerce, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, India.

23. Bhandari1, R., Bansal, S., & Dhillon, L. (2019). Understanding Sino-US trade war: An American government perspective. Management and Economics Research Journal, 5(S4), 1-12. doi:10.18639/MERJ.2019.958453

24. 朱雪萍, & 王炳才 [Zhu, X., & Wang, B.] (2019). 我国生产性服务贸易竞争力的影响因素研究——基于出口复杂度视角的实证分析 [Factors of competitiveness of China's producer services trade: An empirical analysis from the perspective of export sophistication]. 天津商业大学学报 [Journal of Tianjin University of Commerce], 39(2), 69-73. [in Chinese] doi:10.15963/j.cnki.cn12-1401/f.2019.02.010

25. 罗良清, & 温婷 [Luo, L., & Wen, T.] (2019). 中国服务业参与国际分工的程度与地位测度——基于全球价值链的视角 [The degree of participation in international division of labor of China's service industry and the position measurement: From the perspective of global value chain]. 当代财经 [Contemporary Finance & Economics], 8, 104-116. [in Chinese] doi:10.13676/j.cnki.cn36-1030/f.2019.08.011

26. 吴凌芳, & 杨迎春 [Wu, L., & Yang, Y.] (2019). 国内外能源相对价格对中国制造业出口质量的影响——基于行业能耗密度与竞争激烈程度异质性的分析 [Impact of relative energy price in China and worldwide on export quality of China’s manufacturing industry based on heterogeneity of energy consumption density and competition fierceness by industry]. 厦门理工学院学报 [Journal of Xiamen University of Technology], 6, 38-44. [in Chinese] doi:10.19697/j.cnki.1673-4432.201906007

27. Amiri, H., Pourebrahim, S., Danehkar, A., & Bin Mokhtar, M. (2020). Location-based planning for sustainable agro-processing industries using land suitability assessment and DANP-VIKOR technique. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 13(3), 1-11. doi:10.1007/s12517-020-5097-2

28. Elsalih, O., Sertoglu, K., & Besim, M. (2020). Environmental performance, comparative advantage of crude oil and the role of institutional quality. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(3), 3489-3496. doi:10.1007/s11356-019-06838-9

29. Andreosso-O’Callaghan, B., & Li, J. (2020). An analysis of EU-China agricultural trade relations in the context of Brexit: The perspective of trade specialisation dynamics. Journal Transition Studies Review, 27(2), 109-130. doi:10.14665//1614-4007-27-2-10

30. Emikönel, M. (2020). Measuring competitiveness in Chinese electrical machinery and equipment industry. Academic Journal of Economic Studies, 6(3), 180-186.

31. 许唯聪, & 李俊久 [Xu, W., & Li, J.] (2020). 中国服务贸易的发展现状、问题及对策 [Research on the status, problems and countermeasures of China's service trade]. 区域经济评论 [Regional Economic Review], 5, 122-130. [in Chinese] doi:10.14017/j.cnki.2095-5766.2020.0096

32. Elsalih, O., Sertoglu, K., & Besim, M. (2021). Comparative advantage of crude oil production: Evidence from 28 oil-producing countries. The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 30(2), 275-294. doi:10.1080/09638199.2020.1850846

33. Chen, W., Qu, S., & Han, M. (2021). Environmental implications of changes in China's inter-provincial trade structure. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 167, 105419. doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2021.105419

34. Goswami, B., & Nath, H. (2021). India's revealed comparative advantages in merchandise trade with country groups at different levels of development. Contemporary Economic Policy, 39(2), 377-397. doi:10.1111/coep.12505

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