Dr. Peter Frinchaboy
Peter Frinchaboy

RESEARCH                              TEACHING                           CONTACT    


MSE Project Scientist
Canada-France-Hawai'i Telescope

Professor of Physics & Astronomy
Physics & Astronomy Graduate Director
Texas Christian University (TCU)

Current Research Group

Dr. John Donor (Research Scientist)
Natalie Myers (Grad - PhD track)
Alessa Wiggins (Grad - PhD track)
Jonah Otto (Grad- PhD track)
Ahabar Hossain (Ugrad - Astro & Phys)
(...add your name here!!...)


I have recently been appointed a Co-Chair of the 'After Sloan 5' Steering Coomittee (AS5SC)

I am currently acting as the Project Scientist for the Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer project (MSE)

TCU is longtime member of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS -III, -IV, & -V).