Video critique guidelines
HIST 40733

1. Begin your paper by providing videographical information.  This should appear as a heading and include the title, studio, director, producer, running time, and release year.

Example:  Dances with Wolves.  Orion Pictures.  Directed by Kevin Costner.  Produced by Jim Wilson and Kevin Costner.  180 minutes.  1990.

2. Write the review for an audience that has not seen the film, but that might be interested in seeing it.  Offer a brief synopsis of the film.  What subject does it address?  Comment on the people and/or organizations behind the film.  What agenda(s) might they have?

3. Discuss the film's point of view.  Does it make an argument or take a position on an issue?

4. Evaluate the film's success.  If it argued a position, did it do so effectively?  If it meant simply to entertain, did it accomplish that goal?  Illustrate your evaluation with an example or two.

5. Comment on the film's sources.  All the filmmaker's research may not be readily apparent, but some will.  Whom did the filmmaker interview?  What spectrum of opinion or experience did the on-camera sources represent?  What conclusions can be drawn from these sources and how they are used?

6. Does the film have value?  Explain what use or uses it may have and what audiences may find it worthwhile.  Could the filmmaker have produced a better treatment of the subject?  How?  How did the film employ audio and visual effects to make a point?

7. Relate the film to HIST 40733.  How does it fit (or not) themes addressed in class?  How does it expand a viewer's knowledge or appreciation of the American West?

8. Critiques should contain at least 500 words, but should not exceed 1000 words.  Their form, content, and style should reflect college level work. Write in the third person and do not use contractions. Use double spacing and staple pages together.  Try to improve your writing skills by revising and carefully proofreading your critique before submitting it.  Spelling and grammatical errors will reduce its impact and adversely affect its evaluation.