NoReplyAll Add-in for Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 and 2010. This provides a few extra buttons on the Outlook ribbon allowing you to disable the ability of the email recipient to propagate the message by replying to all, forwarding, etc. It does only work when sender and recipient are attached to the same Exchange domain. Via the options page, you can make it so that new emails have either reply-all or forward disabled by default. In addition, there are checks for a couple of obvious email goofs: empty subject lines and missing attachments. To install, run setup.exe. This should deal with upgrading an existing old version, but in case this results in an error dialog box, please uninstall the old first - in addition, you may have to clean up the ClickOnce cache manually after that: navigate to \Apps\2.0\\ and you'll see some directories called "nore.." and manifests. Delete all the "nore.." directories, and the "nore.." files in the manifests directory. ( is typically c:\users\\appdata\local on Vista and Windows 7) When you launch Setup.exe, the following components from Microsoft are also installed, if they are not already present, before the NoReplyAll add-in is installed: * Windows Installer 3.1 - for more information see * Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 - * Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime - These components are used by the add-in software and you do not have to do anything to enable them or to learn anything about how to use them. Their installation may cause some extra dialog boxes to appear, and may prompt for elevation. If you choose not to install them, the NoReplyAll add-in is likely to not run at all. See for more details and instructions.