Another of Anthony's series I read in my early teens.
I liked this one pretty well, especially the first three.
There are lots more after Castle Roogna, though, and I
only bought the first two before running out of gas with
this series. Anthony's fixation on writing about young,
mostly naked, sexually starved, gorgeous women must have
reached a high point (as it were) with his eventual
"The Color of Her Panties," but thankfully I quit about
8 books before that one came out. My advice is read the
first three if you're looking for something light.
Anthony really strikes a chord with some readers, make
no mistake. This is one reason he dominates the shelves
at a lot of bookstores. You should probably read at least
one of his books at some point just to see what all the
fuss is about. You may like him better than I did.