Publications in Refereed Journals and Books


1.     “Influence of morphology and surface properties on the antibacterial action of GaOOH microparticles”, D. A. Johnson, P. Ahluwalia, J. H. Brannon, P. Jodhka, V. Wayman, Z. Rabine, and Y. M. Strzhemechny, Biointerphases, 20, 011004 (2025).


2.     “Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Mediate Bacterial Toxicity in Mueller-Hinton Broth via Zn2+”, Alexander J Caron, Iman J Ali, Michael J Delgado, Dustin Johnson, John M Reeks, Yuri M Strzhemechny, and Shauna M McGillivray, Frontiers in Microbiology, 15, 1394078 (2024).


3.     “Nanocrystalline Cubic Phase Scandium-Stabilized Zirconia Thin Films”, Victor Danchuk, Mykola Shatalov, Michael Zinigrad, Alexey Kossenko, Tamara Brider, Luc Le, Dustin Johnson, Yuri M. Strzhemechny, and Albina Musin, Nanomaterials, 14, 708 (2024).


4.     “Surface Photovoltage Response of ZnO to Phosphate-Buffered Saline Solution with and without Presence of Staphylococcus aureus”, Dustin A. Johnson, John M. Reeks, Alexander J. Caron, Shauna M. McGillivray, Rafal J. Wiglusz and Yuri M. Strzhemechny, Nanomaterials, 13, 1652 (2023).


5.     “Influence of Surface Properties and Microbial Growth Media on Antibacterial Action of ZnO”, Dustin Johnson, John M. Reeks, Alexander Caron, Iakovos Tzoka, Iman Ali, Shauna M. McGillivray, and Yuri M. Strzhemechny, Coatings 12, 1648 (2022).


6.     “Direct excitation of tryptophan phosphorescence. A new method for triplet states investigation”, Jose Chavez, Luca Ceresa, John M Reeks, Yuri M Strzhemechny, Joseph Kimball, Emma Kitchner, Zygmunt Gryczynski, and Ignacy Gryczynski, Methods Appl Fluoresc. 10, 025001 (2022).


7.      “Low-defect-density ZnO homoepitaxial films grown by low-temperature ALD”, David Elam, Eduardo Ortega, Anastasiia Nemashkalo, Yuri Strzhemechny, Arturo Ayon, Arturo Ponce, and Andrey A. Chabanov, Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 142101 (2021).


8.     “Microscale ZnO with controllable crystal morphology as a platform to study antibacterial action on Staphylococcus aureus”, John M. Reeks, Iman Ali, William J. Moss, Eric Davis, Shauna M. McGillivray, and Yuri M. Strzhemechny, Biointerphases 16, 031003 (2021).


9.      “Nano- and Microscale ZnO as a Platform to Study Antibacterial Action”, Micheline Bejjani, Yuri M. Strzhemechny, John Reeks, Bao Thach, Iman Ali, Shauna McGillvray, William Moss, Rohan Maheshwari, and Eric Davis, Journal of Critical Reviews 7, 3736–3741 (2020).


10.   “Aluminum Nitride Thermal Interface for Improving Heat Performance of High-Power Electronic Devices”, Eduard Rudenko, Ihor Korotash, Maxim Dyakin, Denis Polotsky, Mikhail Belogolovskii, and Yuri Strzhemechny, IEEE Proceedings of 2019 XIth International Scientific and Practical Conference on Electronics and Information Technologies (ELIT) 253 (2019).


11.   Cryoemission of nitrous oxide and ethanol: dynamic and energy characteristics”, A. Drobyshev, Y. Strzhemechny, A. Aldiyarov, E. Korshikov, V. Kurnosov, and D. Sokolov, J Low Temp Phys 187, 71–79 (2017).


12.   “Effects of Coulomb repulsion on conductivity of heterojunction carbon nanotube quantum dots with spin-orbital coupling and interacting leads”, O. V. Ogloblya, H. M. Kuznietsova and Y. M. Strzhemechny, Physica B 504, 96 (2017).


13.   “Electronic band structure studies of anatase TiO2 thin films modified with Ag, Au, or ZrO2 nanophases”, Anastasiia B. Nemashkalo, Tetiana O. Busko, Raul M. Peters, Oksana P. Dmytrenko, Mykola P. Kulish, Nadia V. Vityuk, Vasyl M. Tkach and Yuri M. Strzhemechny, Phys. Status Solidi B 253, 1754 (2016).


14.   “Linear dichroism and optical anisotropy of silver nanoprisms in polymer films”, S. Requena, H. Doan, S. Raut, A. D'Achille, Z. Gryczynski, I. Gryczynski and Y. M. Strzhemechny, Nanotechnology 27, 325704 (2016).


15.   “Fluorescence lifetime imaging with time-gated detection of hyaluronidase using a long lifetime azadioxatriangulenium (ADOTA) fluorophore”, Rahul Chib, Sebastian Requena, Mark Mummert, Yuri M. Strzhemechny, Ignacy Gryczynski, Julian Borejdo, Zygmunt Gryczynski, and Rafal Fudala, Methods Appl. Fluoresc 4, 047001 (2016).


16.   “Multi-pulse pumping for far-field super-resolution imaging”, Sebastian Requena, Sangram Raut, Hung Doan, Joe Kimball, Rafal Fudala, Julian Borejdo, Ignacy Gryczynski, Yuri Strzhemechny, and Zygmunt Gryczynski, Proc. of SPIE 9714, 97140F (2016).


17.   “Spectra energy in cryocondensate emission nitrogen oxide and ethanol”, Ye. Korshikov, A. Drobyshev, A. Aldiyarov, V. Kurnosov, Y. Strzhemechny, A. Naumov, J. Kimball, and H. Doan, Recent Contributions to Physics, 59, 13 (2016).


18.   “Dynamic characteristics of light emission accompanying cryocondensation of nitrous oxide and ethanol”, A. Drobyshev, A. Aldiyarov, E. Korshikov, and Y. M. Strzhemechny, Low Temperature Physics 41, 547 (2015).


19.   “Correlation of defect-related optoelectronic properties in Zn5(OH)6(CO3)2/ZnO nanostructures with their quasi-fractal dimensionality”, J. Antonio Paramo, Yuri M. Strzhemechny, Tamio Endo, and Zorica Crnjak Orel, Journal of Nanomaterials 2015, 237985 (2015).


20.   “Structural and optical properties of 70-keV carbon ion beam synthesized carbon nanoclusters in thermally grown silicon dioxide”, P. R. Poudel, P. P. Poudel, J. A. Paramo, Y. M. Strzhemechny, B. Rout, and F. D. McDaniel, Applied Physics A 118, 717 (2015).


21.   Transient surface photovoltage studies of bare and Ni-filled porous silicon performed in different ambients”, Petra Granitzer, Klemens Rumpf, Yuri Strzhemechny and Puskar Chapagain, Nanoscale Research Letters 9, 423 (2014).


22.   Luminescent properties of surface functionalized BaTiO3 embedded in poly(methyl methacrylate)”, Sebastian Requena, Srijan Lacoul, and Yuri Strzhemechny, Materials 7, 471 (2014).


23.   “Water adsorption and desorption on plasma-activated PET film surface, indication of hydrogen bonding”, K. Hanada, M. Yokura, M. Nagashima, Y. Nakamura, H. Nishikawa, Y. Strzhemechny, Z. Orel, S. L. Reddy, Y. Izumi, S. Tomita, and T. Endo, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 53, 05FB23 (2014).


24.   “Recent Advances in the Design of Photodetectors Based on Thin-Film and Nanostructured ZnO”, Yuri M. Strzhemechny, Chapter 6 in Nanoscale Sensors, Lecture Notes in Nanoscale Science and Technology 19, ed. S. Li et al., Springer International Publishing Switzerland (2013).


25.   “Optoelectronic surface-related properties in boron-doped and irradiated diamond thin films”, A. Nemashkalo, P. R. Chapagain, R. M. Peters, J. Farmer, S. Gupta, and Y. M. Strzhemechny, Journal of Applied Physics 111, 023704 (2012).


26.   “Growth-morphology-luminescence correlation in ZnO-containing nanostructures synthesized in different media”, D. Japic, J. A. Paramo, M. Marinsek, Y. M. Strzhemechny, and Z. Crnjak Orel, Journal of Luminescence 132, 1589-1596 (2012).


27.   “Effects of thermal annealing on the structural and optical properties of carbon-implanted SiO2”, P. R. Poudel, J. A. Paramo, D. R. Diercks, Y. M. Strzhemechny, B. Rout, and F. D. McDaniel, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 12, 1835-1842 (2012).


28.   “Thermopower of nanocarbon materials with different structure and phase composition”, I. Ovsienko, L. Matzui, I. Pundyk, Yu. Prylutskyy, and Y. M. Strzhemechny, Journal of Materials Science Research 3, 19-24 (2012).


29.   “Effects of thermal annealing on the formation of buried β-SiC by ion implantation”, P. R. Poudel, B. Rout, D. R. Diercks, J. A. Paramo, Y. M. Strzhemechny, and F. D. McDaniel, Journal of Electronic Materials 40, 1998-2003 (2011).


30.   “Fluence dependant formation of β-SiC by ion implantation and thermal annealing”, P. R. Poudel, B. Rout, D. R. Diercks, Y. M. Strzhemechny, and F. D. McDaniel, Applied Physics A 104, 183–188 (2011).


31.   “Studies of optical and crystal properties of ALD grown ZnO”, David Elam, Anastasiia Nemashkalo, Yuri Strzhemechny, Chonglin Chen, Arturo Ayon, and Andrey Chabanov, IEEE Proceedings of 2011 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP), (2011).


32.    “Enhanced room temperature excitonic luminescence in ZnO/PMMA nanocomposites prepared by bulk polymerization”, J. A. Paramo, Y. M. Strzhemechny, A. Anžlovar, M. Žigon, and Z. Crnjak Orel, Journal of Applied Physics 108, 023517 (2010).


33.   “Growth of zinc oxide particles in the presence of silicon”, P. Podbršček, G. Dražić, J. Paramo, Y. M. Strzhemechny, J. Maček, and Z. Crnjak Orel, CrystEngComm 12, 3071-3079 (2010).


34.   “In situ surface photovoltage spectroscopy of ZnO nanopowders processed by remote plasma”, R. M. Peters, S. P. Glancy, J. A. Paramo, and Y. M. Strzhemechny, in Zinc Oxide and Related Materials - 2009, ed. S. Durbin, M. Allen, and H. von Wenckstern (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Volume 1201, Warrendale, PA, 2010), 1201-H03-03.


35.   “Dual wavelength emissive ZnO tetrapods: effects of erbium/germanium doping”, X. Huang, J. L. Coffer, J. A. Paramo, and Y. M. Strzhemechny, Crystal Growth & Design 10, 32 (2010).


36.   “Structure and thermal stability of Co- and Fe-intercalated double graphene layers”, O. V. Mykhailenko, Yu. I. Prylutskyy, D. V. Matsuy, Y. M. Strzhemechny, F. Le Normand, U. Ritter, and P. Scharff, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 7, 1 (2010).


37.   “Peculiarities of conductance of carbon nanotube based quantum dots”, O. V. Ogloblya, Yu. I. Prylutskyy, and Y. M. Strzhemechny, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 110, 195 (2010).


38.   “Correlation between morphology and defect luminescence in precipitated ZnO nanorod powders”, M. Bitenc, P. Podbršček, Z. Crnjak Orel, M. A. Cleveland, J. A. Paramo, R. M. Peters, Y. M. Strzhemechny, Crystal Growth & Design 9, 997 (2009).


39.   “Defect properties of ZnO nanopowders and their modifications induced by remote plasma treatments”, J. A. Paramo, R. M. Peters, C. A. Quarles, H. Vallejo, Y. M. Strzhemechny, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 6, 012030 (2009).


40.   “Correlation between optoelectronic and positron lifetime properties in as-received and plasma-treated ZnO nanopowders”, R. M. Peters, J. A. Paramo, C. A. Quarles, Y. M. Strzhemechny, in Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, ed. F. D. McDaniel and B. L. Doyle, AIP, pp. 965-969 (2009).


41.   “Linear polarizability of carbon nanotubes bonded to maleimide derivative and fluorescent probe Nile red”, O. V. Ogloblya, Y. M. Strzhemechny, G. N. Kuznetsova, Yu. I. Prylutskyy, and W. E. Billups, Computational Materials Science 46 112 (2009).


42.   “Structure and vibrational properties of multi-walled carbon nanotubes irradiated with high-energy electrons”, O. P. Dmytrenko, N. P. Kulish, N. M. Belyi, S. V. Lizunova, Yu. I. Prylutskyy, V. V. Shlapatskaya, D. Hui, Y. M. Strzhemechny, U. Ritter, P. Scharff, accepted to Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures 17, 123 (2009).


43.   “Surface and near-surface passivation, chemical reaction, and Schottky barrier formation at ZnO surfaces and interfaces”, L. J. Brillson, H. L. Mosbacker, M. J. Hetzer, Y. Strzhemechny, D.C. Look, G. Cantwell, J. Zhang, J. J. Song, Applied Surface Science 254, 8000 (2008).


44.   “Modified exfoliated graphite as a material for shielding against electromagnetic radiation”, L. Vovchenko, L. Matzui, V. Oliynyk, V. Launetz, Y. Prylutskyy, D. Hui, and Y. M. Strzhemechny, International Journal of Nanoscience 7, 263 (2008).


45.   “Tunneling spectroscopy of manganites with nanoscale structural nonuniformities”, V. M. Svistunov, V. N. Leonova, M. A. Belogolovskii, Yu. V. Medvedev, Yu. F. Revenko, Y. M. Strezhemechny, D. Hui, and T.Endo, Mod. Phys. Lett. B. 22, 1 (2008).


46.   “Interface and defect states at ultrathin SiO2-HfO2-SiO2-Si junctions”, Y. M. Strzhemechny, M. Bataiev, S. P. Tumakha, S. H. Goss, C. L. Hinkle, C. C. Fulton, G. Lucovsky, and L. J. Brillson, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 26, 232 (2008).


47.   Magnetometric studies of nanocarbon materials containing carbon nanotubes”, І. V. Оvsienko, L. Yu. Matzuy, M. I. Zakharenko, M. G. Babich, T. A. Len, Yu. I. Prylutskyy, D. Hui, Y. M. Strzhemechny, and P. Eklund, Nanoscale Res. Lett. 3, 60 (2008).


48.   “Modeling of pseudoplastic deformation for carbon/carbon composites with a pyrocarbon matrix”, V. Shavshukov, A. Tashkinov, Y. M. Strzhemechny, and D. Hui, Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 16, 055001 (2008).


49.   “Multilayer reinforced framework of woven linen for composite materials”, E. V. Chepelyuk, V. V. Choogin, D. Hui, and Y. M. Strzhemechny, Multidiscipline Modeling in Mat. and Str. 4, 75 (2008).


50.   “Dominant effect of near-interface native point defects on ZnO Schottky barriers”, L. J. Brillson, H. L. Mosbacker, M. J. Hetzer, Y. Strzhemechny, D. C. Look, G. H. Jessen, G. Cantwell, J. Zhang, and J. J. Songe, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 102116 (2007).


51.   “Optical polarizability of zigzag single-walled carbon nanotubes fullerene-capped at one end and covalently bonded with benzene rings at the other end”, O. V. Ogloblya, D. Hui, Y. M. Strzhemechny, and Yu. I. Prylutskyy, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2007, 13617 (2007).


52.   “Monte Carlo simulations for carbon nanotubes intercalated with different atomic species”, О. V. Мykhailenko, D. Hui, Y. M. Strzhemechny, D. Matsui, Yu. І. Prylutskyy, and P. Eklund, J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 4, 1140 (2007).


53.   “The role of defects at nanoscale ZnO and Cu(In,Ga)Se2 semiconductor interfaces“, Y. M. Strzhemechny, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 24, 1233 (2006).


54.   “On microscopic compositional and electrostatic properties of grain boundaries in polycrystalline CuIn1-xGaxSe2“, M. J. Hetzer, Y. M. Strzhemechny, M. Gao, S. Goss M. A. Contreras, A. Zunger, and L. J. Brillson, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 24, 1739 (2006).


55.   “Effects of surface conduction on Hall-effect measurements in ZnO, D. C. Look, H. L. Mosbacker, Y. M. Strzhemechny, and L. J. Brillson, Superlattices and Microstructures 38, 406 (2005).


56.   “Role of near-surface states in ohmic-Schottky conversion of Au contacts to ZnO, H. L. Mosbacker, Y. M. Strzhemechny, B.D. White, P. E. Smith, D. C. Look, D. C. Reynolds, C. W. Litton, and L. J. Brillson, Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 012102 (2005).


57.   “Direct observation of copper depletion and potential changes at copper indium gallium diselenide grain boundaries“, M. Hetzer, Y. M. Strzhemechny, M. Gao, L. J. Brillson, M. A. Contreras, and A. Zunger, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 162105 (2005).


58.   “Shallow donor generation in ZnO by remote hydrogen plasma“, Y. M. Strzhemechny, H. L. Mosbacker, S. H. Goss D. C. Look, D. C. Reynolds, C. W. Litton, N. Y. Garces, N. C. Giles, L. E. Halliburton, S. Niki, and L. J. Brillson., Journal of Electronic Materials 34, 399, (2005).


59.   “Remote hydrogen plasma doping of single crystal ZnO”, Y. M. Strzhemechny, H. L. Mosbacker, D. C. Look, D. C. Reynolds, C. W. Litton, N. Y. Garces, N. C. Giles, L. E. Halliburton, S. Niki, and L. J. Brillson, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 2545 (2004).


60.   “Remote hydrogen plasma processing of ZnO single crystal surfaces”, Y. M. Strzhemechny, J. Nemergut, P. E. Smith, J. Bae, D. C. Look, and L. J. Brillson, J. Appl. Phys. 94, 4257 (2003).


61.   “Near-surface defect distribution in Cu(In,Ga)Se”, A. Rockett, D. Liao, J. T. Heath, and J. D. Cohen, Y. M. Strzhemechny, L. J. Brillson, K. Ramanathan, and W. N. Shafarman, Thin Solid Films 431-432, 301 (2003).


62.   “Grafting polythiophene on polyethylene surfaces”, N. Chanunpanich, A. Ulman, Y. M. Strzhemechny, S. A. Schwarz, J. Dormicik, A. Janke, H. G. Braun, and T. Kratzmueller, Polymer International 52, 172 (2003).


63.   “Effect of remote hydrogen plasma treatment on ZnO single crystal surfaces”, Y. M. Strzhemechny, J. Nemergut, J. Bae, D. C. Look, L. J. Brillson, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Series 744, M3.9.1 (2003).


64.   “Diffusion processes for doping of C60 (fullerene) thin films”, E. A. Katz, D. Faiman, S. M. Tuladhar, S. Shtutina, N. Froumin, M. Polak, and Y. Strzhemechny, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 75, 421 (2003).


65.   “Nanoscale near-surface phenomena in CuIn1-xGaxSe2”, Y. M. Strzhemechny, P. E. Smith, S. T. Bradley, L. J. Brillson, D. X. Liao, A. A. Rockett, and K. Ramanathan, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B. 20, 2441 (2002).


66.   “Structural and chemical modifications in Cu-supported C60 thin films exposed to an atmosphere of air or iodine”,  E. A. Katz, D. Faiman, S. Shtutina, N. Froumin, M. Polak, A. P. Isakina, K. A. Yagotintsev, M. A. Strzhemechny, Y. M. Strzhemechny, V. V. Zaitsev, and S. A. Schwarz, Physica B 304, 348 (2001).


67.   “Focused ion beam/lift-out transmission electron microscopy cross sections of block copolymer filmsordered on silicon substrates”, H. White, Y. Pu, M. Rafailovich, J. Sokolov, A. H. King, L. A. Giannuzzi, C. Urbanik-Shannon, B. W. Kempshall, A. Eisenberg, S. A. Schwarz, Y. M. Strzhemechny, Polymer 42, 1613 (2001).


68.   “Polythiophene grafted on polyethylene film”, N. Chanunpanich, A. Ulman, Y. M. Strzhemechny,  S. A. Schwarz,  J. Dornicik, M. Rafailovich, J. Sokolov, A. Janke, H. G. Braun, and T. Kratzmueller, in Electroactive polymers, ed. Q. M. Zhang, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Series 600, 203 (2000).


69.   “Spatial and temporal dependence of diffusion in polystyrene thin films on silicon and carbon surfaces”, Y. Strzhemechny, V. Zaitsev, K. Zhou, S. A. Schwarz, J. Sokolov, and M. Rafailovich, High Perform. Polym. 12, 611 (2000).


70.   “Surface modification of polyethylene films via bromination: reactions of brominated polyethylene with aromatic thiolate compounds”, N. Chanunpanich, A. Ulman, A. Malagon, Y. M. Strzhemechny, S. A. Schwarz, A. Janke, T. Kratzmueller, and H. G. Braun, Langmuir 16, 3557 (2000).


71.   “Nanostructure formation in spin-cast polystyrene films,” V. Shapovalov, V. Zaitsev, Y. Strzhemechny, F. Choudhery, S.A. Schwarz, S. Ge, K. Shin, J. Sokolov, M.H. Rafailovich, Polymer International 49, 432 (2000).


72.   “In situ device processing using shadow mask selective area epitaxy and in situ metallization,” Y. Luo, L. Zeng, W. Lin, B. Yang, M. C. Tamargo, Y. M. Strzhemechny, and S. A. Schwarz, Journal of Electronic Materials 29 598 (2000).


73.   “Depth and time dependence of polystyrene chain diffusion near the polystyrene/silicon interface,” Y. Strzhemechny, V. Shapovalov, K. G. Zhou, S. A. Schwarz, J. Sokolov, and M. H. Rafailovich, in Dynamics in Small Confining Systems IV, ed. J. M. Drake, G. S. Grest, J. Klafter, and R. Kopelman, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Series 543, 151 (1999).


74.   “Surface modification of polyethylene through bromination,” N. Chanunpanich, A. Ulman, Y. M. Strzhemechny, S. A. Schwarz, A. Janke, H. G. Braun, and T. Kratzmuller, Langmiur 15, 2089, (1999).


75.   “Depth profiling studies of interfacial phenomena in polymer thin films,” Y. Strzhemechny, S. A. Schwarz, L. T. Guo, X. Zheng, Y. Liu, J. Sokolov, and M. H. Rafailovich, and D. G. Peiffer in Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry. SIMS XI, ed. G. Gillen, R. Lareau, J. Bennett, and F. Stevie (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1998), p. 481.


76.   “Dynamics of lightly sulfonated polystyrene ionomers,” R. H. Colby, X. Zheng, M. Rafailovich, J. Sokolov, S. A. Schwarz, Y. Strzhemechny, and D. Nguyen, Phys. Rev. Letters 81, 3876, (1998).


77.   “The phase separation of polystyrene and bromo-polystyrene mixtures in equilibrium structures in thin films,” D. Slep, J. Asselta, M. H. Rafailovich, J. Sokolov, D. A. Winesett, A. P. Smith, H. Ade, Y. Strzhemechny, S. A. Schwarz, and B. B. Sauer, Langmuir 14, 4860, (1998).


78.   “Enhancement of interfacial adhesion by means of surface segregation in the interface between polycarbonate and SAN blends,” M. Schaffer, V. Janarthanan, Y. Deng, J. La Scala, L. Guo, M. Rafailovich, J. Sokolov, R. S. Stein, Y. Strzhemechny, and S. A. Schwarz, Macromolecules 30, 1225 (1997).


79.   “Long-range effects on polymer diffusion induced by a bounding interface,” X. Zheng, M. H. Rafailovich, J. Sokolov, Y. Strzhemechny, S. A. Schwarz, B. B. Sauer, and M. Rubinstein, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 241 (1997).


80.   “Measurements of the Flory-Huggins interaction parameter for polystyrene-poly(4-vinyl pyridine) blends,” C. J. Clarke, A. Eisenberg, J. La Scala, M. H. Rafailovich, J. Sokolov, Z. Li, S. Qu, D. Nguyen, S. A. Schwarz, Y. Strzhemechny, and B. B. Sauer, Macromolecules 30, 4184 (1997).


81.   “Secondary ion mass spectrometry study of silicon surface preparation and the polystyrene/silicon interface,” Y. M.  Strzhemechny, S. A. Schwarz, J. Schachter, M. H. Rafailovich, and J. Sokolov, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 15, 894 (1997).


82.   “A new solvable 3D model of statistical mechanics. The free-fermion solution,” A. E. Borovik, S. I Kulinich, V. Y. Popkov, and Y. M. Strzhemechny, Intl. J. of Modern Phys. B 10, 443 (1996).


83.   “A new class of completely solvable bi-plane 2D vertex model,” A. Borovik, S. Kulinich, V.  Popkov, and Y. Strzhemechny, in 1994 Erwin Schrödinger Institute Proceedings, ESI Verlag (1994), p. 36.


84.   “A new completely integrable bi-plane 2D vertex model,” A. E. Borovik, S. I Kulinich, V. Yu. Popkov, and Y. M. Strzhemechny, Phys. Letters A 174, 407 (1993).


85.   “Exactly solvable multichain quantum model,” A. E. Borovik, A. A. Zvyagin, V. Yu. Popkov, and Y. M. Strzhemechny, JETP Lett. 55, 292 (1992).

Presentations at National and International Conferences


1.     70th International AVS Symposium, Tampa, FL, “The Role of Surface/Interface Phenomena in The Antibacterial Action of Nano- and Microscale Gallium Oxide and Gallium Hydroxide”, Yuri M. Strzhemechny, D. Johnson, J. Brannon, P. Ahluwalia, T. McHenry, M. Smit, D. Kalluholematham, Z. Rabine, and P. Jodhka, November 4, 2024.


2.     2024 Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Waco, Texas, “Role of Surface/Interface Phenomena in Antibacterial Action of Nano- and Microscale Zinc Oxide, Gallium Oxide, and Gallium Hydroxide”, Yuri M. Strzhemechny, October 21, 2024 – invited talk.


3.     Fall 2024 Joint Meeting of the Texas Section of the APS, Texas Section of the AAPT & Zone 13 of the SPS, Dallas, TX, “Influence of Surface/Interface Properties of Nano- and Microscale Oxide Particles on Their Antibacterial Action”, Yuri M Strzhemechny, Dustin A Johnson, John Reeks, John Brannon, Alexander Caron, and Shauna M McGillivray, October 19, 2024.


4.     2nd International Conference on Advanced Materials for Bio-Related Applications, AMBRA 2024, Wrocław, Poland, “Role of Synthesis Parameters in Optoelectronic and Antibacterial Properties of Microcrystalline β-GaO and GaO(OH)”, Y. M. Strzhemechny, D. A. Johnson, J. Brannon, T. Y. McHenry, M. Smit, P. Ahluwalia, P. Jodhka, V. Wayman, and Z. Rabine, May 21, 2024.


5.     March 2023 APS Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, “The Role of Surface-Surface Interactions and Growth Media in Antibacterial Action of Microscale ZnO”, Yuri M. Strzhemechny, Dustin A. Johnson, John M. Reeks, Alexander Caron, Iman Ali, Shauna M. McGillivray, and Abagael Speights, March 6, 2023.


6.     66th International AVS Symposium, Columbus, OH, “Nano- and Microscale ZnO with Controllable Abundance of Surface Polarity as a Platform to Study Antibacterial Action”, J. M. Reeks, B. Thach, W. Moss, R. Maheshwari, I. Ali, S. M. McGillivray, and Yuri Strzhemechny, October 23, 2019.


7.     65th International AVS Symposium, Long Beach, CA, “Light Scattering Properties of Silver Nanoprisms in Different Environments”, Yuri Strzhemechny, S. Requena, H. Doan, S. Raut, Z. Gryczynski, and I. Gryczynski, October 25, 2018.


8.     The 2018 Banknote Conference, Dallas, TX, “Nanoscale Zinc Oxide as an Emitter of a Strong Visible Light in Response to an Ultraviolet Irradiation”, Y. M. Strzhemechny, May 21, 2018 – invited talk.


9.     15th International Union of Materials Research Societies – International Conference on Advanced Materials, Kyoto, Japan, “Modifications of Optical Properties of Oxide and Metal Nanoparticles by Host Polymer Matrices”, Y. M. Strzhemechny, S. Requena, H. Doan, S. Raut, Z. Gryczynski, and I. Gryczynski, August 29, 2017 – invited plenary talk.


10.   14th International Union of Materials Research Societies – International Conference on Advanced Materials, Jeju, Korea, “Influence of Surface Chemical Environment on Transient Surface Photovoltage at Nanoscale Surfaces and Interfaces”, Yuri M. Strzhemechny, Puskar R. Chapagain, and Shreedhar N. Pant, October 26, 2015 – invited talk.


11.   2015 AVS Texas Chapter Conference, Dallas, TX, “Transient Surface Photovoltage Studies of Nanoporous Silicon”, Y. M. Strzhemechny, P. R. Chapagain, K. Rumpf, and P. Granitzer, August 5, 2015 – invited talk.


12.   2014 AVS Texas Chapter Conference, Dallas, TX, “Influence of Ambient on Transient Surface Photovoltage in Nanostructured Materials”, Y. M. Strzhemechny, August 7, 2014.


13.   69th Southwestern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Waco, TX, “Influence of Surface and Interface States on Optoelectronic Properties of Nanostructured Oxides”, Y. M. Strzhemechny, November 19, 2013 – invited talk.


14.   60th International AVS Symposium, Long Beach, CA, “Dependence on Experimental Ambient of Surface Photovoltage Transients in Nanostructured Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces”, Y. M. Strzhemechny, P. R. Chapagain, A. Nemashkalo, S. Pant, and E. S. Davis, November 1, 2013.


15.   MRS 2012 Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, “Studies of Complex Charge Recombination Mechanisms in Nano-porous Silicon with Embedded Metal Nanoparticles and ZnO/Si Thin Films Using Transient Surface Photovoltage”, Yuri M. Strzhemechny, Puskar R. Chapagain, Shreedhar Pant, Anastasiia Nemashkalo, Eric S. Davis, Petra Granitzer, Klemens Rumpf, David Elam, Andrey Chabanov, Erik S. Nguyen, November 29, 2012.


16.   MRS 2010 Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, “ZnO/PMMA Nanocomposites with Excitonic Luminescence Enhanced by the Filler/Matrix Interface”, Yuri M. Strzhemechny, J. A. Paramo, Alojz Anzlovar, Majda Zigon, and Zorica Crnjak Orel, November 29, 2010.


17.   MRS 2010 Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, “Defect States in Irradiated Boron-doped Diamond Films Investigated Using Surface Photovoltage and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy”, Sanju Gupta, R. Peters, J. Paramo, J. Farmer, and Y. Strzhemechny, November 29, 2010.


18.   Fall 2010 Meeting of the Texas Section of the APS, San Antonio, TX, “Surface Defect States in Nanopowder ZnO”, Y. M. Strzhemechny, R. M. Peters, J. Shafer, J. Schulman, and A. Paramo, October 22, 2010.


19.   MRS 2009 Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, “In Situ Surface Photovoltage Spectroscopy of ZnO Processed by Remote Plasmas”, R. M. Peters, S. P. Glancy, A. Paramo, and Y. M. Strzhemechny, December 1, 2009.


20.   IUMRS International Conference in Asia 2008, Nagoya, Japan, “Surface Defect Properties of ZnO Nanocrystals Treated with Remote Plasma”, December 9, 2008 – invited talk.


21.   14th International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering, Boulder, CO, “Significance of Nanoscale Resolution for Characterization and Control of Interfacial Defects”, Y. M. Strzhemechny, H. L. Mosbacker, M. J. Hetzer, M. Bataiev, L. J. Brillson, D. C. Look, M. A. Contreras, A. Zunger, C. L. Hinkle, C. C. Fulton, and G. Lucovsky, July 4, 2006.


22.   14th International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering, Boulder, CO, “Tunneling Spectroscopy of Metallic Manganites with a Colossal Magnetoresistance Effect”, Y. M. Strzhemechny, V. M. Svistunov, V. N. Leonova, M. A. Belogolovskii, Yu. V. Medvedev, Yu. F. Revenko, D. Hui, and T. Endo, July 3, 2006.


23.   52nd International AVS Symposium, Boston, MA, “The Role of Defects at Nanoscale Semiconductor Interfaces”, Y. M. Strzhemechny, H. L. Mosbacker, M. J. Hetzer, M. Gao, B. D. White, D. C. Look, D. C. Reynolds, C. W. Litton, M. A. Contreras, A. Zunger, and L. J. Brillson, November 1, 2005 – invited talk.


24.   46th TMS Electronic Materials Conference, Notre Dame, IN, “Remote Hydrogen Plasma Doping of Single Crystal ZnO” Y. M. Strzhemechny, H. L. Mosbacker, D. C. Look, D. C. Reynolds, C. W. Litton, N. Y. Garces, N. C. Giles, L. E. Halliburton, S. Niki, and L. J. Brillson, June 23, 2004.


25.   MRS 02 Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, “Effect of Remote Hydrogen Plasma Treatment on ZnO Single Crystal Surfaces”, Y. M. Strzhemechny, J. Nemergut, J. Bae, D. C. Look, and L. J. Brillson, December 3, 2002.


26.   2nd International Workshop on Zinc Oxide, Dayton, OH, “Remote Hydrogen Plasma Treatment of ZnO Single Crystals”, Y. M. Strzhemechny, J. J. Bae, J. Nemergut, L. J. Brillson, and D. C. Look, October 24, 2002.


27.   48th International AVS Symposium, San Francisco, CA, “Nanoscale Phase Formation at Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Surfaces”, Y. M. Strzhemechny, G. H. Jessen, J. I. Choi, L. J. Brillson, D.-X. Liao, and A. Rockett, October 29, 2001.


28.   March 2000 APS Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, “Spatial and Temporal Dependence of the Diffusion Coefficient in Polystyrene Thin Films on a Carbon-Black Surface”, Y. Strzhemechny, V. Zaitsev, K. Zhou, V. Shapovalov, S. A. Schwarz, J. Sokolov, M. H. Rafailovich, and R. DiNardo, March 24, 2000.


29.   12th Annual Workshop on SIMS, Gaithersburg, MD, “Polymer Depth Profiling Studies”, April 26, 1999 – invited talk.


30.   MRS 98 Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, “Time and Temperature Dependence of Polystyrene Chain Diffusion near Polystyrene/Silicon Interface", Y. Strzhemechny, V. Shapovalov, K. Zhou, S. Schwarz, M. Rafailovich, and J. Sokolov, December 2, 1998.


31.   11th International Conference SIMS XI, Orlando, FL, “Depth Profiling Studies of Interfacial Phenomena in Polymer Thin Films”, Y. Strzhemechny, S. A. Schwarz, X. Zheng, Y. Liu, J. Sokolov, and M. Rafailovich, September 10, 1997.


32.   43rd National AVS Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, “Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Study of Silicon Surface Preparation and the Polystyrene/Silicon Interface”, Y. M. Strzhemechny, S. A. Schwarz, J. Schachter, M. H. Rafailovich and J. Sokolov, October, 1996.


33.   9th Annual Workshop on SIMS, Burlington, VT, “SIMS Depth Profiles of Multilayer Polymer Films”, Y. Strzhemechny, S. Schwarz, M. Rafailovich, and J. Sokolov, June 3, 1996.