Writer's Block is a student-authored, student-edited, and student-designed magazine produced in ENGL 40233: Writing for Publication during fall semester 2008. The course is offered through the English Department at Texas Christian University, which offers majors and minors in English or Writing. As you'll note in the writers' bios, students in the class came from a wide range of majors, making for a rich interplay of interests and backgrounds. "Writing for Publication" introduces students to the major genres of magazine publishing, as represented here: reviews, features, profiles, and commentaries. Students were encouraged to research and write about subjects they cared about or were interested in exploring. Each piece was submitted in draft form for teacher and peer review and subsequently revised for a grade.
The pieces published here were selected by group consensus and were edited by teams of students in the class. Each student in the class is represented. Students chose the template for the magazine, made available under a Creative Commons Attributions 2.5 license. We're grateful to Andrew Leverenz for technical assistance in modifying the template and offering ongoing technical advice and support.
If you would like more information about "Writing for Publication" or the English or Writing major at Texas Christian University, please contact me at c.leverenz@tcu.edu.
CARRIE LEVERENZ is Associate Professor of English and Director of the New Media Writing Studio at Texas Christian University. She earned her PhD in Rhetoric and Composition at Ohio State University and served as the Director of the Reading/Writing Center and Computer-Supported Computer Classrooms at Florida State University prior to coming to TCU in 2000. Her research and teaching interests include writing program administration, computers and writing, collaboration, and rhetorics of cultural difference. She lives in Arlington with her husband, two sons, and two dogs. When she has a break from reading student writing, she likes to shop junk stores and talk her husband into various home improvement projects. She attributes her love of magazine writing to her 25-year subscription to The New Yorker.