The story is told in part from the memoirs of "Rogi" Remillard, a member of a family with a strong metapsychic talent, and these are perhaps the best parts of the book, since for my money, Rogi is the most entertaining character. Lots of spoilers are here, both for this story and, I presume, for the series that follow it (Pliocene Exile and Galactic Milieu), especially in Rogi's memoirs. I suppose this may bother some people, when Rogi briefly mentions "the dreadful events to come" or a specific character's death, but I didn't find that this detracted from the surprise of events.
The other part of the story is told from an omniscient perspective, telling the story of the amusing aliens who are watching events unfold on Earth along with some of the other more prominent characters in the overall story. All in all, it blends together well. It reads as both a good history book and an interesting SF story. The tale as a whole is certainly not complete, but that's hardly disappointing news to someone who liked the series as much as I did. I can now look forward to the next two series!
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