Google Scholar profile

For a full listing of my work, please see my CV.

Peer-reviewed articles:

The links are generally to paywalled versions of my articles; please contact me if you’d like me to send you a copy.

Walker, Kyle E. (2017). The Shifting Destinations of Metropolitan Migrants in the U.S., 2005-2011. Forthcoming in Growth & Change.

Walker, Kyle E. (2016). tigris: An R Package to Access and Work with Geographic Data from the US Census Bureau. The R Journal. Link to Early View paper.

Walker, Kyle E. (2016). Locating neighbourhood diversity in the American metropolis. Urban Studies. Link to Early View paper.

Walker, Kyle E. (2016). Baby boomer migration and demographic change in U.S. metropolitan areas. Migration Studies 4(3), pp. 347-372. Link to paper.

Walker, Kyle E. (2016). Tools for interactive visualization of global demographic concepts in R. Spatial Demography 4(3), pp. 207-220. Link to paper; link to interactive pre-print version.

Walker, Kyle E. (2015). The spatiality of local immigration policies in the United States. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 106(4), pp. 486-498. Link to paper.

Walker, Kyle E., and Sean M. Crotty (2015). Classifying high-prevalence neighborhoods for cardiovascular disease in Texas. Applied Geography 57, pp. 22-31. Link to paper.

Walker, Kyle E. (2014). Immigration, local policy, and national identity in the suburban United States. Urban Geography 35(4), pp. 508-529. Link to paper.

Walker, Kyle E. (2014). The Role of Geographic Context in the Local Politics of US Immigration. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 40(7), pp. 1040-1059. Link to paper.

Walker, Kyle E. (2013). Political Segregation of the Metropolis: Spatial Sorting by Partisan Voting in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota. City & Community 12(1), pp. 35-55. Link to paper.

Walker, Kyle E., and Helga Leitner (2011). The Variegated Landscape of Local Immigration Policies in the US. Urban Geography 32(2), pp. 156-178. Link to paper.

Walker, Kyle E. (2010). Local Policy Responses to Immigration in the United States. The CURA Reporter 40(3-4), pp. 27-34. Link to paper.

Walker, Kyle E. (2010). Negotiating GIS and Social Theory in Population Geography. Geography Compass 4(6), pp. 616-629. Link to paper.

Textbook: Navigating the World with GIS

Navigating the World with GIS: A Companion for World Regional Geography is a co-authored textbook with Sean Crotty that includes nine online GIS exercises to be used in introductory geography courses, each covering major thematic issues in different parts of the world. The exercises are an excellent way to introduce undergraduates to GIS concepts, and require no technical background outside of an ability to operate a web browser. The book is available from Amazon and the publisher, Kendall Hunt, where you also can obtain an evaluation copy.